21st to 30th March - World Science Festival Activities at Queensland Museum -
Fri, 21 MarSat, 22 MarSun, 23 MarMon, 24 MarTue, 25 MarWed, 26 MarThu, 27 MarFri, 28 MarSat, 29 MarSun, 30 Mar Open 9:30am – 5pm
Where: Level 2, Queensland Museum Kurilpa
Regional Readers Cup 2025 for Year 6 HAL (High Achieving Learners)
Our annual, interschool reading competition, the Readers Cup is next term. Trials have commenced in library class times so that all Year 6 students have an opportunity to try out and apply for the competition. This is an important literary event for students who wish to be considered for the English prize at the Year 6 graduation evening.
The Readers Cup is a state-wide event where teams of five students read a set of 5 books including four novels and an advanced picture book. Teams compete with other teams in their region to answer fifty quiz questions as a team. For more than a decade our Year 6s have enjoyed the challenge of competing with approximately 25 other schools for the Readers Cup which is an exciting, interschool reading competition. The winning team wins the trophy and goes on to the Queensland State Finals.
A high level of reading ability, teamwork, a sense of commitment and cooperation are needed. Each team member needs to generate questions for each set book to quiz their team mates for practice. Readers Cup team members meet in the library with the Teacher-Librarian’s supervision to practise answering team members’ questions one lunch break a week to ensure the students know the books in detail.
The Readers Cup 2025 for the Brisbane Central Region will be hosted by Somerville House School at 17 Graham Street, South Brisbane on Wednesday, 11th June (Term 2, Week 8) from 9:30am to 12:30pm approximately. Parents are responsible for the transport of their child to the venue and after the competition.
If you have a Year 6 child who is an excellent reader and team player encourage them to try their best at our Readers Cup Team Trials this term and apply for a position on the team. Readers Cup competitions challenge students to read widely, work collaboratively in a team and continue developing a love of reading. It allows readers to compete at a regional and state level similar to sporting competitions and to meet other students with an equal passion for reading quality literature. For more information see the website link HERE
2025 Literary Competition – HAL (High Achieving Learners)
Years 5/6 students are encouraged to submit their poetry, short story or non-fiction prose to win prizes up to $300. Entries are due on Friday, 13 June, 2025. The competition is being run by the Independent Education Union and The English Teachers Association of Queensland Inc.
Scan the QR code to learn more and enter. 