
P&C Association


​​Hilder Road State School Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C) is a strong and active organisation that supports our school by making a positive contribution and difference in the educational outcomes for all students.

Our P&C aims to bring the community, including parents, citizens, students and teaching staff together and into close cooperation to:

  • Support and enable the development, innovation and management of school facilities, equipment and environment.

  • Provide feedback on school policies and activities.

  • Provide additional services to support the recreation and welfare of students and through them, our local community.

Through the efforts of a volunteering community, our P&C supports and provides a range of services for the benefit of our school and local community.  Some of the activities and programs our P&C supports, include:

  • The Tuckshop

  • The Uniform Shop

  • Community and School Based Events 
Parents are encouraged to involve themselves in P&C activities and events.

The operation of our P&C is governed by a Constitution and the Association is affiliated with the Queensland Council of Parents and Citizens’ Associations, which aims to “support and advocate for P&Cs to achieve quality educational outcomes in Queensland State Schools”.

Remember: the things you do, as a member of our school community, will make a real difference to what we can achieve together.

P&C meetings are held each term from 7:00pm on the following Monday evenings:

Week 3 - (Face to Face in the School Library); and
Week 7 - (Online via TEAMS).​

For updated information and upcoming events follow us on Facebook.


Hilder Road State School P&C provides a wonderful range of fun community activities and services to support our school. We know that it takes a village to raise our children and how grateful are we that we live in such a great one!  We value your help and there are so many ways that you can be involved. Here are just a few ideas:

  • Parent VolunteerWe could not do this without you.
    Any amount of time you give, wherever you give, is invaluable and we thank you. Together we are simply working to raise funds, whether you are selling raffle tickets, helping in the Tuckshop and/or the Uniform Shop, helping in the classroom, etc.

  • School Grounds Maintenance and Serving the Community Painting, planting, crafting, baking, marshalling, making coffee… whatever, wherever we as parents, families and friends are united to improve the school and facilities for our children.

  • Donate a raffle prize - Do you have your own business big or small – donate a raffle prize we will always make sure we promote and celebrate your involvement

  • Sponsor an event – Expand your exposure and sponsor an event, an annual project; or if you have an idea, we are always open to listen.

  • Corporate participation – Perhaps you can help with volunteers and run a volunteer-at-work scheme. These can be great off-site team building opportunities and you are giving back to the community too.

To contact the P&C with your interest and/or queries, please email the Secretary at:

Last reviewed 02 June 2023
Last updated 02 June 2023